I'm really stuck I'm currently a data science beginner with a bachelors in BioChem and I'm really interested in biostatistics and pursuing biostatistics master's but I'm scared. Will I be able to make it in the field? Will the work be fulfilling? Should I rather invest in transitioning to more high paying industries like Data engineering??

I think I am actually Interested in the biostatistics field, but I feel like I'm looking for a sign, I'm undecided. How do I know it's really for me?

Any advice for me?

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Hi Osayame. My advice to you would be to try to contact a statistician at your university and chat with them about what they do. They would be the most direct source to understanding what statisticians do day-to-day. If it still sounds interesting, then it's worth a shot, but getting an MS has its own costs that you'll have to weigh.

As a last thing, I think statisticians get compensated rather well, for what that's worth lol.

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Thank you so much for taking time to answer and your response makes lot of sense. I'll try it out.

I'm all for being compensated for a job well done : )

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