I've been watching all of your youtube videos as a rising junior majoring in data science :) just want you to know that this post and all the work you put into creating accessible content on statistics means a lot to me and many people. It also took me a while to really understand what p-value actually means even though I have applied it in many of my coursework. I've also learned to trust in the process and not give up until it finally clicked! Wish you all the best and look forward to more of your content <3

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Wow, thanks for taking the time to tell me that. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just throwing videos into the void, but knowing that it's helping at least a few people out there gives me the motivation to keep going. Best of luck with your studies!

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I hope you know that I have become a quick loyal fan because I am on the exact same track as you; biostats and everything. I find you videos and content very helpful and appreciate you taking the time to do everything you do.

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Hey, I'm glad that my videos are of help! It really boosts my morale when I know people are getting value from my ramblings. Thanks for taking the time out to comment

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